Patients coming into the practice are encouraged to wear masks when attending. Current Health Department advice is to use masks in situations where social distancing may be difficult.
Unfortunately, we cannot offer masks to patients at present. Our supply is limited by the Health Department, and is being rationed strictly for health care worker use. You can purchase masks online, at local pharmacies, or make your own reusable ones. The Health Department website has instructions on how to make reusable, washable masks.
If you have a mask, please remember to keep it on for the duration of your visit. Adjusting or removing your mask can spread bacteria and viruses just as much as wearing no mask at all.
Mask-wearing is not mandatory at present, but very much encouraged. The practice will continue to follow Health Department guidelines relating to masks and will update patients via this news page if our protocols change.
Our existing social distancing measures remain the same. We still ask that patients use telehealth consultations when possible, but we are here when you need to see us in person.
We look forward to seeing all of your friendly faces again when Melbourne stabilises and lockdown measures are eased.
— The Jasper Medical team